Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Wedding

So, our wedding is beginning to take shape.

I think the separation of church and state should apply to marriage, so we are having two ceremonies. We are getting married legally here in Tallahassee, just the two of us, at the courthouse--Florida doesn't require witnesses. Then we are having a spiritual ceremony, with just the two of us, outside somewhere. I want to decide it kind of spontaneously, wherever feels right for us as a couple. This will  be on March 6th (our anniversary) of 2015. I will have graduated already, but Matt will be in school already. That's the Friday before spring break that year.

Then we will spend a few days alone here in Tally before taking a bus home to Melbourne. At the end of spring break, on the 14th (pi day!) we will have a celebration! We want to rent a beach clubhouse we found and have tacos and just spend time with our family and friends. The venue holds a max of 70, which is perfect since our guest list is at about 50 right now. That gives us space for any vendors, or people who are new to our lives. And we are having homemade pies instead of cake.

We have worked out ideas for the save the dates, and the invitations. The website has been started and our honeymoon registry set up. Our budget is set, and we have ideas about outfits and decor. I am so excited to do this with him.

Best of all--we are having a sea monster theme. This way, it is still beach appropriate, but we can avoid sea shells and coral and such. It is very cliche, but mostly it is just bad for the environment to remove them from the environment. Plus I don't want dead things at the wedding. I am barely OK with having meat options for the tacos.

Overall, it should be relaxing, and intimate, and personal. And us. Colorful. DIY. Crafty. Eco-friendly (as long as I can get Matt on board).

We still have issues to work out--is it better to be budget conscious and get the food from Sam's or eco-conscious and get it locally-sourced? We are low on budget and self-catering. How much food do we need? Who is going to make the pies? (Hopefully my sister will make a few, she's a pastry arts student. And Matt's dad makes amazing pies) How long will it take to make the invitations I have designed--and will my mom be willing to help? (She's into DIY and cards. She has a lot of supplies.) Do we have the budget to hire a student photographer, or should we just count on our guests to take pictures? Will the kids be entertained enough? (about a third of the guest list are children.) Are we going to have any alcohol?

So much. So much. My parents spent $500 total on their cake-and-punch wedding, including my mom's dress. And Matt's mom is still paying off her recent wedding that cost over $20000. So who knows how this will turn out. Should eb an adventure though! :)

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