Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Paperless Semester

For Christmas and my birthday, my parents got me an iPad mini! Super exciting, now I can download a butt-load of apps and play a bunch of games. 

But, in terms of school, I have discovered it is excellent at making me paperless. By far, the most useful app I use is Notes Plus. While it did cost a few dollars, it was definitely worth it! I tried almost every free version and this one definitely had the best features. I can hand write notes for class with a stylus or type them with my bluetooth-enabled keyboard. I can impost pdf files which came in handy when I discovered all of my Bio II lecture slides were available in a pdf format. I can export my notes in a variety of formats. I can even record lectures that are saved with the notes I take. I am a little organization-crazy so one of the most important features this app had that others did not was the ability to layer unlimited notebooks and folders. There is also an upgrade that enables the app to transcribe handwritten text into typed text. 

I don't have a smart phone, so with wifi I am connected to the internet's wide world of awesomeness. I can save documents I want to be able to access on Google Drive (which has its own app and even allows documents to be set viewable offline) and can always download class forms from BlackBoard. 

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